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Editing of media plan

Editing of media plans
To edit the media plan, you will need to log in \ register in your personal account, click the Advertising campaigns button, and then “My advertising campaigns” will open

Drawing: https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/PRRUByQfGgMpUB2BIU8JI8A6lT8ljv18aA00ijErXb6tjxf3V-9tEMLsHlQHjX6BYM...

Then we go to advertising campaigns,

Click “Settings”-”Edit”

Select the placement period.

The "Download media plan" button allows you to share a link to a ready-made media plan with all interested parties.

The "Order" button allows you to set the location of several advertising products in the media plan.

If you need to make changes, you can fail the order by clicking on it 2 times and make edits or delete it .

Click" Save".

To add additional advertising products to the media plan, go to the Catalog tab, select the desired product, and save your changes.

Drawing: https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/qc7vBo7rok21mYz47T7RGhYIXUFOb1kXWiI7GH8HfQn7f0VBHCLWXhzE46wppIciZK...

If you still have any questions, please contact us!

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